With our Engine Cover Master Kit: As soon as the turbo is removed, install the Turbo Drain Plug. Once the intake manifold is removed, install the cylinder head Intake Port covers, and the Front Cover Coolant Plug (the port with the large "Donut" gasket.) When servicing the HPOP and Oil Cooler, you can use their cavity covers to keep debris from entering into the engine block. These covers have a half-round notch indicating the Forward edge of the cover. Your Cover Kit also contains a plug for the steel heater line near the Alternator, a cap for the thermostat housing, and a vinyl cap to put over the water pump inlet. Lastly, your Cover Kit includes 2 Cylinder Block covers to keep dirt and debris out of the piston area while the cylinder heads are sent off for pressure testing and machining.
All of these covers work great for those cab-up jobs, whether it be for brief periods of time while work is being performed, while the truck sits overnight, or for longer periods waiting for machining, or replacement parts are on order.
Please note that abusively impacting the covers onto a surface may result in shattering the magnets. Replacement magnets are available.
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